Saturday 12 June 2010

Target Audience

Students aged 18-24
Life style of college and working part time, sport, drinking, clubbing, sleeping. They tend to snack rather than eat regular meals.
From teenage audience with new technology in daily life. I want to create work can get attraction from them by using digital work. is the best way and convenience to get to them.
-Out going
-Willing to try new stuff
-Surf web
-1980s-1990s kids
-maybe used to have Monster Munch when they were kids

Quotes from target audiences
"Finally found some roast beef flavour in WHSmith, B'ham New St station. They were on a special promotion stand with 'bigger like they used to be' at the top. 75p a bag though which is a complete rip off!"
"The packaging is fantastic, the monster munch are indeed bigger but not quite as big as I'd hoped."
"I can't believe it beef monster munch back on sale big bag too. I felt like a kid in a toy shop."
"I think they should bring the becon ones back. They were the best and the monster was so cute!"

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